Informing parents and Inspiring families across the Great Lakes Bay Region!
From locating childcare to joining a playdate, finding something to do this weekend or even a voice that's "been there" -- Great Lakes Bay Parents is your website for all-things-parenting in our Great Lakes Bay Region.
Informing PARENTS & Inspiring FAMILIES in the Great Lakes Bay Region since 2012!
Calling all young museum goers! Join us every second Saturday, January through April for Studio Storytime. Every month will be a new theme, where we read a story and create an art project from 12:30-1:00 PM. The program is geared towards ages 2-5, but all are welcome. Studio Storytime is in partnership with Public Libraries of Saginaw. Registration is requested, but not required:…/event.jsp…&
Dates: January 13, February 10, March 9, and April 13
Time: 12:30 PM-1:00 PM
Cost: Free
There is no admission on Saturdays and all activities are free, as part of the museum’s Arts for All initiative. You are welcome to stay and continue art making during Open Studio from 1:00 to 4:00 PM.