Open to all ages, LEGO Club meets every other Monday from 4 p.m. - 5 p.m. Your children (or you!) will have the opportunity to build unique LEGO creations and have them displayed in the library until our next regular meeting! Please see the calendar linked above for our next LEGO Club meeting. Facebook Learn […]
Come join us for painting at the museum! A different form of painting every session! Mondays @ 4-5pm Learn more: https://www.facebook.com/events/1320001875372702/?event_time_id=1320001888706034
Join Miss Marla on Tuesdays at 10 a.m. for stories, songs, and a craft! Please watch our Facebook page for cancellations. Facebook Learn more: STORYTIME
Parent Cafés are safe spaces for parents and caregivers to relax, reflect, and talk about the joys and challenges of raising a family. Parent Cafés are judgment-free zones where we share experiences and resources while learning from one another. We’ll learn more about ourselves, our parenting, and how to build our families’ resilience! We’ll be […]
Join us for a special storytime just for babies and young toddlers. If you would like to have a CRDL Storytime experience in the comfort of your own home, a playlist of our Virtual Storytimes is available to view here. Weekly on Thursdays 10:00am - 10:30am Learn more: BABYTIME
Toddlers explore STEM with Miss Laurie! Get introductions into the wonders of STEM in a short-but-sweet program that is perfect for the curious little minds! Thursdays @ 10:30am Learn more: https://www.facebook.com/events/904070520914481/?event_time_id=904070534247813
Thursdays 4pm – 5pm Explore the world of Legos! Build fine motor skills and creativity. Learn more: LEGO LEAGUE
Events and times subject to change without notice. For most accurate information, please contact event organizers directly.