Join Miss Marla on Tuesdays at 10 a.m. for stories, songs, and a craft! Please watch our Facebook page for cancellations. Facebook Learn more: STORYTIME
Music Time at the Museum with Tricia. Admission $10 Learn more: TUNES AND TALES Tuesdays weekly 10:15 am-10:45 am
Explore emotions with Central Michigan University Medical Students. This fun and engaging workshop is included with admission to the museum. The workshop will help build emotion recognition and empathy skills! Learn more: EXPLORE EMOTIONS Admission $10 April 9 5:30pm to 6pm
Join us for a special storytime with a chance to meet and pet real therapy dogs! We'll learn about what a therapy dog does and enjoy dog themed stories, songs and dance while building vital early literacy skills! This storytime is for children ages 0 to 5. If you would like to have a CRDL Storytime experience […]
Visit Discovery Guide Alexis on the museum floor to check out cool sensory activities. 10:30AM to 11:30AM Learn more: SENSORY SPOT
Explore the Power of Play at this open-ended, free-form event. The library will provide developmentally appropriate toys and activities to encourage Imaginative Play, Sensory Stimulation, Motor Skills, and Muscle Building. Young children and their caregivers will have time to interact with other families through play. Come join the fun!! Meet us downstairs in the children's […]
Events and times subject to change without notice. For most accurate information, please contact event organizers directly.