Birth of Planet EarthTells the twisted tale of our planet’s origins. The film employs advanced, data-driven, cinematic-quality visualizations to explore some of the greatest questions in science today: How did Earth become a living planet in the wake of our solar system’s violent birth? What does its history tell us about our chances of finding […]
Enjoy our new music show themed around Halloween! Tunes such as “Bad Moon Rising,” “Spirit in the Sky,” “Werewolves of London,” “Monster Mash,” “Thriller” and many more come to life with an amazing immersive graphics and light show. Great for family audiences, the visuals are funny, spooky, whirling, and will leave audiences laughing and smiling. […]
Enjoy our new music show themed around Halloween! Tunes such as “Bad Moon Rising,” “Spirit in the Sky,” “Werewolves of London,” “Monster Mash,” “Thriller” and many more come to life with an amazing immersive graphics and light show. Great for family audiences, the visuals are funny, spooky, whirling, and will leave audiences laughing and smiling. […]
Events and times subject to change without notice. For most accurate information, please contact event organizers directly.