Midland: FREE – Auditions “Youth Honor Choirs” *RSVP @ Midland Center for the Arts
Midland Center for the Arts 1801 W Saint Andrews Rd., Midland
Midland Center's Youth Honor Choirs Program is dedicated to nurturing the development of young singers through education and performance while encouraging a lifelong appreciation for participation in and enjoyment of music. AUDITION FAQ: bit.ly/ChoirFAQ23 Registration required for Auditions: https://forms.gle/q3SwAx9RaLZDcWNA6 WINTER 2023 IN-PERSON AUDITIONS JAN 15 / 3 - 4:30 PM JAN 16 / 6 - […]
Events and times subject to change without notice. For most accurate information, please contact event organizers directly.