The Lesson Planning Mommy – Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss

What We’re Reading: One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish, by Dr. Seuss


  1. Name two words that rhymed in the book.
    Answer: Many answers available, the whole book rhymes!
  2. On page 17, we see he has 11 fingers! How many fingers do we all have?
    Answer: Ten.
  3. On page 12, we learn that some have 2 feet, some have 4 feet, some have 6 feet, some have more. How many feet do we have?
    Answer: Two
  4. Can we name something with four feet, six feet, and more feet?
    Answer Options: Four Feet (Paws, etc.): Dogs, Cats, Horses, Pigs.
    Six Feet: Some caterpillars have 4, 6, 8 and even 16 feet.
  5. Have children talk about all the various types and colors of fish they have ever seen.


Activities: Make fish paintings from your hands!

I love this activity!  One time when my son and I made these, we got super creative and went on a “materials hunt” in our house.  It was neat to see what he thought could be used for cool underwater details.  He used puffballs as the bubbles, bubble wrap colored with marker as the sand, and leaves from an old, fake plant.  I loved seeing his little mind get so creative and think outside of the box.

While you’re working together, talk to your little one about the colors and types of fish from the story.  You might also compare hand sizes – whose hand is bigger, yours or mommies?



I found a couple of great activity/snack ideas on, to help celebrate Dr. Seuss! has so many great activities and ideas to help make this week stand out for your little darlings!

What You Need:

  • Goldfish crackers
  • Bowl


  1. Give your child a serving of crackers in a bowl and ask them to separate the crackers by color
  2. Count how many crackers are in each color pile with your child
  3. While they are sorting the crackers, ask them a few questions
    1. What colors are there?
    2. Which wile has more?
    3. Which color has less?
    4. Are there any that have the same amount?
    5. Which color is your favorite?
    6. Ask your kiddo to remove a cracker from a pile and eat it. How many are left?


Snack: 1 Fish 2 Fish Interactive Printable Placemat
I created these “Fish in a Dish” placemats for my son’s co-op preschool.  I printed one for each child and placed it in a clear plastic sheet protector so they could be reused.  The kids loved using Goldfish Crackers as counting pieces and once they were finished, they ate them all up.


Optional way to play: Roll a die and place that corresponding number of fish in your fish bowl. Continue taking turns rolling the die until each bowl is filled with fish.

To download the new, and improved PDF click here.  If you have problems pulling up the PDF, please send an email to (obseussed(at)live(dot)com).

Thank you for all your AWSOME printables!