Let Little Helpers, Help!

Everything about mealtime can seem crazy when you have kids, including cooking, serving, eating, and cleaning.  That’s why I consider it a success if my husband, three kids, and I all get to eat at the same time, because unfortunately, that’s not always the case.  However, as my children have gotten older, and I’ve simultaneously become more experienced in parenting, I’ve learned to properly use what’s in my arsenal.

At one point or another, all parents realize that toddlers love to help – they take pride in everything that they can successfully accomplish, and look forward to finding the next task requiring a “little helper.”  For example, my 19-month-old twin girls love to clean their trays and stack their own dishes when they have finished eating.  Although it doesn’t happen after every meal, when it does, I know that they have had their fill.  This act of cleanup also signifies that they are ready for their next task – wiping up their dinner spots.  I hand them a wet washcloth, and they know what to do.  They love this little task, and in the process, they clean their own hands.

My oldest is almost three years old.  With a solid history of “little helper” tasks, he doesn’t hesitate to take his dirty plate to the sink, and when he is feeling extra helpful, he will even scrape the uneaten bits of food from his plate, into the trash can.  Like his younger sisters, he also loves cleaning his place at the table.

Though small tasks, they do relieve some of the chaos of mealtime, while also teaching children to clean up after themselves.  Afterward, you and your little ones will all feel a sense of accomplishment.