Mental Health Awareness for Adults

    Did you know that it is just as important for you to be screened for a mental health condition if you sense there is a problem as it is to get screened for a heart condition if you sense there is a problem?  Most people think that mental illness is rare and that it “always happens to someone else.”   However, that is not the case.  1 in 4 adults have a treatable mental illness such as depression, anxiety or bipolar disorder.  That means over 54 million Americans suffer from some kind of treatable mental illness every year.  However, the majority of people who have a mental health condition do not get the help they need. As a matter of fact, two-thirds of the people with a diagnosable mental health condition never get the help they need due to the stigma associated with mental health conditions.  Since mental health conditions are real, common, and treatable, it is important to know some of the warning signs that are associated with adults who may be struggling with their mental health.  Below are some signs and symptoms that could indicate an adult may need to speak with their family physician or a mental health professional:

  • Confused thinking
  • Prolong depression (sadness or irritability)
  • Feelings of extreme highs and lows
  • Excessive fears, worries and anxieties
  • Social withdrawal
  • Dramatic changes in eating or sleeping habits
  • Strong feelings of anger
  • Delusions or hallucinations
  • Growing inability to cope with daily problems and activities
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Denial of obvious problems
  • Numerous unexplained physical complaints
  • Substance abuse

It is important for anyone who is struggling with a mental health condition to seek help and to start on the road to recovery.  Just because someone is diagnosed with a mental health condition does not mean they cannot live a very normal and productive life.  Being diagnosed with a mental health condition is no different than being diagnosed with a physical health condition such as diabetes.  There may be days when someone may struggle with their mental health condition, just like a person with diabetes may have days where they struggle with their glucose level.  However, just like a person with diabetes, a person with a mental health condition has good days as well.  We know that treatment for mental health conditions work and that recovery is possible! If you are concerned about your mental health, please contact your family physician or a mental health professional.  You can even contact Bay Arenac Behavioral Health’s Emergency Services Crisis line at 989-895-2300 or 1-800-327-4693. Remember: Your mental health is just as important as your physical health.  Bay Arenac Behavioral Health offers behavioral health services to children, adults, families, and the older population.  In order to receive services through Bay Arenac Behavioral Health, a person must have Medicaid or no insurance and must have a serious mental health condition, a serious emotional disturbance, or have a developmental disability.  If you are looking to enroll in services with Bay Arenac Behavioral Health, please contact Access Alliance of Michigan at 1-800-448-5498 and they will be glad to help!