The “Secret Code”

By: Claire Clark

1656235_10202069595114551_6039938_n[2]Discipline is not one of my strengths as a mother. I am pretty laid back and I never fret over any behavior that could be considered developmentally appropriate. And I will admit that sometimes naughty behavior makes me laugh. My two year old has gained what I affectionately call “life skills” from his three older brothers and sometimes the result is hilarious.

That being said, I have learned a few tricks along the way that help my kids gain the skills they need to (hopefully) become law-abiding members of society. Or at least not axe murderers.

One of my favorite tips is one I saw on a blog years ago (unfortunately, I don’t remember the name of the blog.) It is a “secret code” between mother and child to help the child who is in a habit of interrupting. Mom! Mom! Mom! MOM!!! Does that sound familiar?!

It works like this: When your child needs your attention while you are in the middle of a conversation, they simply place their hand on your arm or wrist. You then place your hand on their shoulder to acknowledge that they need to speak with you. When there is a break in the conversation, thank them for being patient and ask what they need. In theory, they should be able to wait since they know they will get attention as soon as possible.

This little trick has helped my boys learn a bit of patience and respect. It took a little practice, but my boys feel proud when they remember to use our secret code. I think this works best for kids in the 3 to 8 year old range, but obviously every child is different and what works with one kid may be completely ineffective with another. In my experience, this is a very effective tool to help little interrupters.

Now, if anyone has any tricks to help kids listen, I’m all ears!


Claire is a 2000 graduate of Vanderbilt University, where she studied art history and psychology. Now a stay at home mom of four boys, she enjoys thrift shopping, girls night, Mexican takeout, reading, and home décor blogs.