STEM Pipeline: Prevent the Summer Slide with BEDTIME MATH

The STEM Pipeline’s mission is “to promote science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in the Great Lakes Bay Region.” 

STEM Pipeline: Prevent the Summer Slide with BEDTIME MATH

The 2018-2019 school year has come to an end and my kids are ready for the time off!  We have planned a summer of fun, including trips to far-off destinations, visits to the pool and beach, a weekly trip to the library, and many late nights and lazy mornings.  On top of this, we are committing ourselves to 5 minutes/day of BEDTIME MATH. Along with reading our library books, this will help us avoid the summer slide. Summer slide is the decline in reading and math skills children experience when they have not practiced for long periods of time.

BEDTIME MATH is a simple solution to which every parent of children ages 3-9 can commit.  This FREE app was created by a mom with a mission “ … to help kids love numbers so they can handle the math in real life.”  Parents can sign up by email, on the website, or the app. It takes only 5 minutes a day and could be done while waiting in the grocery line, at the pool, or before bedtime.  The app is available in both English and Spanish on the iPhone/iPad and Android.

Results of studies done by the University of Chicago show that after one year of use, the children’s math skills improved significantly. It also showed improvements in children who have parents who are “math-anxious.”  This is particularly important for parents who have a hard time with math yet want their children to embrace it. For my family, it is a quick and inexpensive way to curtail my kids summer slide.

To learn more and register for BEDTIME MATH, click HERE.

This article is courtesy of the STEM Pipeline.

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