September 16
10 AM – 4 PM.
Join us at the Trombley House for our first annual ICE CREAM SOCIAL & OLD FASHION GAMES. Everyone is invited to tryout the games, crafts, story times and other activities. Learn how to make butter in the kitchen, create and fly a kite in the yard, and take part in a potato sack race and tug-a-war. Talk with members from the Bay Heritage Quilters Guild and Olde Thyme Herb Society.
Schedule of Events:
10 AM – 12 PM – Make a pirate hat, church doll, and churn butter.
10:30 AM – Storytime with the Bay County Library System
12 PM – Bike Parade (RSVP your spot by calling 989-893-5733
12:30 – 4 PM – Make kites and blow huge bubbles.
1 PM – Musical Chairs
2 PM – Apron Modeling
*ALL DAY – Demonstrations by the Bay Heritage Quilters Guild and Olde Thyme Herb Society sale. The 5-2-oh Food Truck will be on-site all day lunch or snack purchases.