A New Twist on Halloween Classics:
“Pumpkin Carving” and “Fun and Games”
Written by Traci Jaime
I don’t know about you but pumpkin carving always seems to be more work than fun. This year, we decided to try something different and it turned out great! My daughter loved being part of the process and the pumpkin looked amazing when it was finished. Items Needed: A hallowed out pumpkin We began by hallowing out the pumpkin, scraping the walls as thin as possible. I then tapped each cookie cutter into the pumpkin snugly. When it was my daughters turn, she used the mallet to hit the middle of each shape. After we had pounded out shapes all the way around the pumpkin, we put glow sticks inside. This was the coolest “jack-o-lantern” we had ever made, and it was quick and easy. FUN AND GAMESDon’t get me wrong, bingo and bobbing for apples are still a good time, but this year I went searching for something less complicated for my little ones.
Items Needed: Painters Tape Setting up this activity took me less than 15 minutes and the fun lasted for much longer. I used the painters tape to make a spider web on our living room floor and spread the plastic spiders around the web. The object of the game is to collect all the spiders without stepping off the web. My kids really enjoyed playing this and it led to many more activities. Hide and seek with the spiders, jumping from one square to another and so on. |