Did You Know…

Did you know…

Every year, more than half a million babies are born too soon in the United States. Our country’s premature birth rate has risen by 36 percent over the last 25 years. Premature birth costs society more than $26 billion a year and takes a high toll on families. Babies born just a few weeks early are at risk of severe health problems and lifelong disabilities including cerebral palsy, intellectual disabilities, chronic lung disease, blindness and hearing loss.

Preterm birth can happen to any pregnant woman. In about half of all cases, the causes are unknown. Premature birth is the No. 1 killer of newborns. November is Prematurity Awareness Month and Nov. 17 was World Prematurity Day. The March of Dimes launched its Prematurity Campaign in 2003, funding research and advocating for legislation to improve care for moms and babies.

Saginaw County Great Start Collaborative is working with community partners to help women understand prematurity risks and the best practices for prenatal and newborn care. Visit www.greatstartsaginaw.org for more about Saginaw County Great Start Collaborative, Parent Coalition and early childhood services. 

For more information about how to prevent premature births or how to raise money for families, please visit: http://www.marchofdimes.com/?gclid=CM6KhdeB77oCFelxOgodcTUAgQ