Hillary is one of the founders of Great Lakes Bay Moms. She has a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education pre-school through third grade and a Master degree in Elementary Education grades K-8 with a reading endorsement K-12 grade. She loves creating meaningful, mind provoking activities and lessons for kids.
“I’m Bored” 3 Activities for Spring Break!
SpRiNg BrEaK is right around the corner and I’m beefing up my arsenal of “i’m bored” activities. I have made all of these science projects with my boys and they were a huge success. I plan to bring these back along with a few other. Stay tuned next week for a few more!
Cornstarch Pitcher of water Aluminum pie pans Measuring cups Wooden spoon Newspaper for covering tablesDirections:
1. Place 1 1/2 cups of cornstarch in a pie pan. 2. Add 1 cup of water and stir it well. 3. Add more water or cornstarch until you get a mixture that ‘tears’ when you quickly scrape your finger through it and then ‘melts’ back together again. 4. Squeeze it!… Squish it!… Scoop it!… Pinch it!… What happens?Storage and Safety Guidelines:
Cover the container of Oobleck and refrigerate. It will keep for about 1 week. DO NOT wash down the drain!Plastic Milk
1 cup whole milk small saucepan measuring spoons white vinegar clean, empty jar wax paperDirections:
1. Pour the milk into the saucepan. 2. Add 2 teaspoons of vinegar. 3. Heat, stirring frequently until the milk boils. The milk will form tiny lumps (curds) in a clear liquid (whey). 4. Slowly pour the liquid off. 5. Spoon the curds into the jar. 6. Add 1 teaspoon of vinegar to the curds and let it stand for two hours. 7. The curds will form a yellowish glob at the bottom of the jar. 8. Pour off the liquid and mold the plastic into any shape you wish. 9. Place on wax paper and let it harden and dry overnight.Slime!
2 bowls 1 cup hot water 1 1/2 tsp. Borax powder 2 cups clear glue 2 cups warm water 1 tsp. liquid watercolorDirections:
1. Mix hot water and Borax until it is dissolved. Set aside. 2. Mix glue and warm water together in a plastic bowl. 3. Slowly pour borax mixture into the glue mixture while stirring quickly. Stir until the mixture leaves the side of the bowl. Slime will be sticky. The more you knead the mixture, the less sticky it will become.Storage and Safety Guidelines:
Store slime in an airtight container for about 3 weeks of use. Slime is non-edible. When you are through with it, discard in a trash container. Do not wash it down the drain!Plan family-experiences around the Great Lakes Bay Region with the KIDS DAILY CALENDAR!