1. Calendar Sponsor ($250/month)- Ad size: 1584 x 396 px
The Kids Daily Calendar contains events that are both family and child friendly occurring in the Great Lakes Bay Region. Events are located in the following counties: Arenac, Bay, Clare, Gladwin Isabella, Midland, and Saginaw County. Featured events from our calendar are located on all of the social media and newsletters.
- Ad with Exclusivity on Calendar page for one month which includes a link to the sponsor’s website.
- Listed as a sponsor on all social media and newsletters.
2. Website Sponsor ($300/month)- Ad size: 950 x 450 px
Great Lakes Bay Parents lists several directories to help parents find resources available to them in the region, which are located in Arenac, Bay, Clare, Gladwin, Isabella, Midland, and Saginaw counties.
- Highlighted on the right hand panel of all pages on the website for most viewing opportunities.
- Listed as the sponsor on all social media and newsletters.
3. Seasonal Sponsor ($200/month for first month with additional months at a rate of $100/month)- Ad size: 950 x 450 px
Guides are created to highlight seasonal events that are popular in the Great Lakes Bay Region. They are included on secondary e-newsletters that are sent out monthly.
The following Guides are published each year:
- Winter Guide (November – February)
- Easter Hunt Guide (March – April)
- Summer Camp Guide (May-August)
- Fall/ Halloween Guide (September – October)
The Guides/ Page Benefits:
- Ad (950 x 450) with Exclusivity on Seasonal page for one month and includes a link to the sponsor’s website.
- Listed as the sponsor on all social media and newsletters.
- Highlighted in the secondary e-newsletters and includes a link to the sponsor’s website (monthly).
*There is a non-profit discount of 25% off 3 months or more are purchased for items 1, 2 or 3 listed above.
Blog Article ($30/article)
Blog articles are published monthly. The link is shared on social media accounts. If the article applies to families with children ages 0-8 and offers free resources they may be included in the Great Start e-newsletters.
Example Blog Articles:
Educators Offer Parents Tips for Helping Kids Unplug, Unwind, and Keep Learning this Summer (July 11, 2024)
“Light” Up Your Day At Midland Center’s Newest STEM Exhibit! (published March 7, 2024)
- Organizations can submit an article between 750 – 1000 words. It must contain at least 2 images (if pictures are taken with a cell phone please maximize the picture quality when sending them by keeping them at “actual size” or at least 2MB) and include all links to the organization’s website and social media pages.
- Article must be directed to a parent audience that promotes a resource for children living in the Great Lakes Bay Region
- Exclusive Ad (950 x 450) on the blog page (monthly)
Submit your blog article here: BLOGS
Invoicing Information:
Media Reach
Website Reach
The Great Lakes Bay Parents’ website contains three sections: Kids Daily Calendar, Blog Articles, and Directories. This includes the resources from organizations and businesses in the following counties: Arenac, Bay, Clare, Gladwin Isabella, Midland, and Saginaw. Visitors to the website are parents and guardians of minors living in the Great Lakes Bay Region.
Website Reach from September 1 through October 1, 2024
Sessions: # of individuals who visited the website
Pageviews: # of webpages visited, counts each time one person views a page
Total Users: # of distinct tracked users
Social Media Reach
Great Lakes Bay Parents post weekly on Facebook and Instagram. Facebook is the primary account which contains the most likes/ followers. It is used to promote the website, social media campaigns, e-newsletter, and individual events occurring throughout the Great Lakes Bay Region.
Facebook – Demographics (December 2024)
Total Likes: 7,707
Total Followers: 8,194
Facebook Reach (December 2024)
Total Reach: 3,552
Instagram – (December 2024)
Instagram followers: 1,210
E-Newsletter – Constant Contact
Great Lakes Bay Parents provides a monthly e-newsletter to subscribers living and working in the following counties: Bay-Arenac, Clare-Gladwin, Gratiot-Isabella, Midland, and Saginaw. Each newsletter contains links to the website’s blog articles and specific seasonal pages, upcoming events from the Kids Daily Calendar, parent classes, and local resources. These organizations’ goal is to inform parents with children ages 0-8 of regional resources to aid in kindergarten readiness.
Total Number of Subscribers: 1,843 (as of July 1, 2024)
Primary Subscribers to the Great Lakes Bay Parent – Family Guide: 767
Secondary Subscribers to Bay-Arenac, Clare-Gladwin, Gratiot-Isabella, Midland, and Saginaw Great Start – Family Guides: 1,076
**Some individuals have subscribed to more than one Family Guide.
E-Newsletter Open Rate and Click Rate – July 2024 (5 newsletters)