Alden B. Dow Home & Studio (Midland)

Business Information

Address: 315 Post Street, Midland, MI

The Alden B. Dow Home and Studio is shared with the public through a tremendous amount of educational programming, public tours and researchers utilizing the Alden B. Dow Archives, the repository of Mr. Dow’s architectural records.


  • Summer Camps 2022
    • Architecture I Camps (4-6th grade) on June 13-16 and July 25-28. Cost: $190
    • Architecture II Camps (4-6th grade) on June 20-23 and July 1-4. Cost: $190
    • Design Camp I (7-9th grade) on June 27-30 and July 11-14. Cost: $190
    • Design Camp II (7-9th grade) on July 18-21. Cost: $190
  • Tours

Visit the Website: ALDEN B. DOW HOME & STUDIO